The Chronicles of Nadia

The blog about almost everything that revolves around this freak.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Don't ask me to update. I'm long gone. Haha

School's started, i'm busy with friends, boyfriendSSS (haha), band, studies.
Can't juggle all that with online activities.
Ive not been using the comp at all now. Just use it to chat every now and then, but I no longer suss out myspace and blogger.

Myspace bores me shitless, (thanks abang efan for draggin me into this) and blogging shall be resumed as and when I feel like there's aneed to blog bout special events.

Today's Firza's birthday!! I refuse to type out everything that i've already mentioned to Firza in the bday card.. So DEAL WITH IT! ;p
Baked her some over-done brownies, but a whole tray of it finished anyways.

Have I mentioned that I'M IN LOVE WITH LITERATURE?! God. Ms Puja rocks the world of lit haha. I'm gonna have a blast with her man. And Mr Foo as our A Maths tcher, Mrs Khairul as our E Maths tcher? I'll never fail, confirmed. Hahaha
We've got Mrs Chee as our Chem teacher. yay, I like her!
Mdm Rozy as our Geog Elec teacher and Form Teacher. She's nice! THANK GOD for this wonderful selection of teachers!

I'll never take teachers for granted again, seeing how much they've helped me throughout the years. Hehehe corny, but true.

I guess you could say I'm on hiatus for now, but chances are I won't be updating till next week. Don't count on it though, cos I may be too lazy or too busy REVISING (yes, revising. I promised myself a scholarship this year and I'm working damn hard for it okay?!) or just cramping my butt at band.

As for now, adios!