The Chronicles of Nadia

The blog about almost everything that revolves around this freak.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Dropout High Lodge

Based on your drawing and the 10 answers you gave this is a summary of your personality:
You are sensitive and indecisive at times. You are good at making friends and when the joyful moment arrives, you make the most out of it. You love your house and family. You are a gifted artist as well. Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you. Your life is always full of changes. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. son.

You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be.

You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You are self-confident and happy with your life.


Coincidence? I'm surprised they got it all correct. I was just browsing isk's blog when I saw this. Quite accurate actually. Gifted artist? Maybe. Maybe not. Son? Meaning me a guy? That's the major putdown here. And YEAH I love my life. I even gave a talk about dumb people, who claim that they wanna end their lives, to the class hehe.

Try it and share it with me!! hehehe
I created burberrette street i wonder why. Just wanna see what kind of person you are.


Monday, January 30, 2006

Angsty posts!

Heya all.

I pen down my thoughts of myself today, right now.

I just read a few blogs recently. And surprise, surprise! All were angsty posts. And both blogs I read were actually referring to their disapproving parents!!

i understand that most teens nowadays can't stand their parents. Cos basically parents cannot undertsand their children. Their teen life last time was very much different from ours.

I find myself coming up with angsty posts every now and then. But I guess I don't really take things to heart. I enjoy reading such angsty posts, the way people express themselves and sound like they're exploding (I especially like it if I'm reading an enemy's angsty post).

Angsty posts are quite fun to write cos you don't feel like telling anyone so blogging is your answer.
And sometimes I feel that posts like what I'm writing now is quite informative but quite boring. Angsty posts are fun to read, I wonder why.


Friday, January 27, 2006

Fickle minded me

I pen down my thoughts of myself today, right now.

Right now, I am going to blog about my fickle minded-osity.

I may like a guy at one point of time, and at the next, i like another.
I may want to buy something nice, but my mind tempts me to buy another thing that is equally nice.
I may be friends with a person at one point of time but at the next, we're enemies.

somebody cure me of this fickle-mindedness.
I must escape from reality. or not.

Oh no!!! part of me wants to end this post right now, but another part of me wants me to keep writing! Jeez, get over yourself, Nad. Oh great, now you're sounding contradictory, you bloody schizophrenic.



Oh what fun.

School, school, school.
I realise I go to school just to meet my friends. Nothing more.

Band, band, band.
Everyday is like a bandish day. It may seem as though i am not making much sense, but I do not care.

My two section mates can't get along with each other. Guess nobody has told him about all the complaints about him...hehe.
I'm being damn mean in the previous post, but I was seriously damn despo.

Yeah, I heard about the cohort camp that's gonna be held in March. Jena said that her sis told her that camp was the most horriblest things in her life. Firstly because there aren't any beds, there are bugs, and most importantly ghosts.

[Medieval english starts here]

I've never really seen a ghost before in my life (even if I did, I wouldn't have thought it a ghost) so I'm really looking forward to seeing one!

People think me mad. Am I not mad enough? they think. But seeing a ghost is unexplanatory. I have never seen one in my life, but I am inclined to agree I am quite frightened of what awaits me at camp.

And then there is IPW. I doubt my being a leader is such a very good thing. Though my heart soared with pride as ah chong blurted my name to be the group leader, I am very much inclined to feel very much burdened. I ought to be responsible for the actions my group takes and my reputation may be at risk. (Like I have a rep!)

I force myself to admit, i am not a wondrous Medieval speaker. But I must not be left behind for my friends are reading such medieval english books. Lady Amy prefers the knightish setting and atmosphere, whereas Lady Sandra prferes any sentimental story. As for me, Lady Nadine, I read any medieval book, as long as there is much sentiments included and a hint of war. but love triangles are best.

[old medieval english ends here]

Okay, im done with that. it takes time to try and come up with such good english okay?!


Sunday, January 22, 2006



Oh gosh band was okay. I must say being in the block is fun. But being with people in the same section whom you just can't stand is a different story. PLEASE CHANGE, you weird female sec two other nerd girl in horn!! I AM SO AFRAID THAT OUR SEC ONE JUNIORS (who may not be nerds) WILL LOOK DOWN ON US!!

If they do, its entirely yours and Ben's fault, you hear me?!

But since I know that none of you are gonna read this, I'll let other people know. And if any horn member happens to read this, keep it on the down low k? *wink*

I would have expressed my angst ytd during the session talk, if you werent crying.

Well ciao now.

Monday, January 16, 2006


The first few weeks of school are actually quite eventful, though boring. I realise that we are gonna die in band. I realise that I insult people behind their backs incresingly. I realise that i'm free of boy crushes. I realise that we'll have fun in IPW.

Stop with the realisations already.

Sorry if I have not been blogging for a while, but I seem to be 'busy' nowadays. Starting from the first week of school, I actually made it a point to study and revise at home after school. As the days go by, I lose the 'semangatness'. typical me.

And then there's my fag CCA. I love it, but it seems to bore me nowadays, considering the fact that we have to stand in the sun for an hour (and more) just standing around doin noting. Not that we are being punished or whatever...

But overall, my week's been great because I have such wonderful friends by my side. And they're infamous. And I gotta stop here now. I am so annoyed that I can't use the comp for much longer. But who cares, I gotta stop soemtime soon anyways.

Mr Muhd does not seem to notice me wearing my pointy studs; those he scolded me for last year. Haha, I'm such a rebel.

Well, I gtg now. Blog soon.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

It's the new year.

It's the 1st December 2006. Waaay early this morning, had some boring countdown near my house. Damn. Nvm, next year, next year....

A new year calls for new things. Err such as... Aw you know the et cetera.

so ciao.