The Chronicles of Nadia

The blog about almost everything that revolves around this freak.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Missing you

Holidays Shmolidays.

I'm tired of em. When you're at home, and you just don't feel like studying... and you've run our of bloody books to read.. You just get plain bored.
Not only that, I can't even go online! Well, not if my mum's around, or when my sister hogs the comp.


In my case, I left my books in school. Nad=Bloody idiot.

I've not been going online lately. I kinda miss chatting with everyone. The only reason why I'm still sane right now is because I have been thouroughly entertained (not) by a friend who never stops sms-ing me. But hey, if you're bored, a hundred sms-es doesnt sound so bad, does it?

Please, someone save me from insanity. I know one very very special person who can do that effectively, but that's not gonna happen in a million years. :)

Io amour Marchese per sempre :)

I know my translation skills suck. But hey, it won't harm you to find out what the frick I'm trying to say. that is... if you BOTHER! :D

There's band tmr. Wow joyitty joyitty joy.

Yay okok gbye!


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