The Chronicles of Nadia

The blog about almost everything that revolves around this freak.

Friday, June 09, 2006



Yesterday's band was alright, as usual. I think my energy's fading. Can't hold my horn, can't play all the music.. ARGH!

Anyways, tomorrow's band camp. Usually, i'd say "YIPPEEE!!!"...
But nah.. I'm quite happy with the grouping. It's just that it's not gonna be as fun as usual band camps. It's gonna be almost impossible to switch dorms to sleep with your friends (don't get the wrong idea). It's gonna be almost impossible to sneak out early in the morn to have some fun...

What I'm tryin to say is that, its gonna be boring.


Well, like Firza, i believe BMPTK will definitely make the camp FUN!
Well I just hope so.

Anyways, right now I'm eating that Maggi HotCup thingy. You know those Maggis that they pack in cups and all you do is just pour hot water and leave it to poof into edible stuff in two minutes....

Ridiculously, there's a piece of yellow paper plastered to the side of the cup saying "SYOK HABIS!". Obviously they're lying. What's happening to the world now?! Apart from anime-wannabe-manjens, even FOOD MANUFACTURERS are acting cute!

Goodness Gracious Me.

"Take a poop into the world of magic!" - Mickey Moose.

Dunno if I'll be bloggin later, but I'm not gonna be bloggin for about a week or so, cos after my four days of band camp, my family and I are off to a chalet again.

" :P " - My signature happy face, and it ISN'T act cute if it is WRITTEN. sticking out your tongues in real life is retarded. I do it sometimes to annoy people. Nyehehehe...



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